Betty Betrayed Me
So I got this great Bridal Edition Betty Crocker cookbook at one of my showers, and I decided to dust it off and try something--fried chicken. Except I didn't have boned-in chicken--I had boneless skinless chicken thighs. Everything was going well until there was smoke filling the kitchen and the smoke alarm began its piercing beep...
...but that wasn't because I was burning the chicken. I was actually burning the grease lingering in the broiler on top of the foil that I never removed after making hamburgers. I keep forgetting! One of these days it will be my undoing.
So, after hours of scouring the broiler tray and fiddling with this silly chicken, I'm pooped. I'm gonna get my pajamas on now.
P.S. I don't like chicken thighs--the meat is all different colors and there's still ribbons of fat everywhere (before I cooked it, I mean :)
I totally agree. Thighs are nasty and slimy. Stick to wings, legs, and breasts. And trust Betty!
(You get one "atta-girl" for trying fried chicken!)
Wow, apparently you can take the girl out of the North, and you can take the North out of the girl! Way to fry things! You'll fit in just yet. Who cooks a meal right the first time! I know it took me several tries before I was able to make soup without burning it.
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