Sunday, May 28, 2006


Rebecca, Ryan, Janna, Matt, and Paul

I'm a camper. My family camps. My old church camps. A lot of my friends camp, too. It was even a condition of Paul and I marrying...that we'd camp. It just feels right. Paul demonstrated his understanding of how important this is to me when he got me a new tent for my last birthday.

So when Matt and Janna graciously planned a getaway in the Shenandoah area over Memorial Day weekend, I got a little excited. We headed out there Saturday afternoon and first checked out a great book fair in Mt. Crawford, VA. Paul stocked up on Mark Twain classics--I got Witness to Hope, a biography of Pope JP2. Then we went to Klein's for ice cream (a peach milkshake--mmmm!) in Harrisonburg. Then we went back to our very private and secluded campsite, which was actually on some property on the river (owned by friends of friends of Matt and Janna's) it was only the six of us!

Matt cooked us burgers and brats. We played lacrosse and ultimate frisbee (and Paul injured his toe on a mean old stump--thankfully Janna and Rebecca bandaged him up real nice). We drank wine and looked at the stars. We fell asleep to the sound of the crickets and the winding creek. We peed in the woods :) We took a drive through the Blue Ridge Mountains today and had a picnic (courtesy of Ryan and Rebecca).

We forgot our cityness for a while and we relaxed. It was lovely.

Ah, the company of good friends...

Paul and Janna engrossed at the GV book fair

Matt gettin' his grill on...

Rebecca sets up house...

Janna and Matt sing "The Pink Panther" theme song

The Gimp (who lost his big toenail in Ultimate Frisbee)

Well-rested and refreshed at breakfast

Ah, the Shenandoah Valley

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Chipmunk Cheeks

Several months ago I had my first dentist appointment in Arlington, and learned from Dr. Belt that I would need to have my wisdom teeth pulled. Thinking I had a bit of time to play with, I was disappointed when the oral surgeon gave me 2 months to get it done. So, rather than delaying the inevitable, I had the deed done this past Friday. I wasn't nervous until I actually got in there and they strapped me down (an interesting fact I would repeat to Paul about 3 times after the surgery, forgetting each time that I'd told him...), but only mildly then. That anesthetic was pretty wild, though...about as close to a drug trip I'll ever come.

If you can get past your gums bleeding, the drooling (which, as many of you can attest, is not a new thing for me!), and the drowsiness from the prescriptions, it wasn't so bad. Probably the most humorous part of it is looking like you've fought the good fight (or have stuffed your cheeks with marshmallows reminiscent of the game "Chubby Bunny")...

It may not look like my face has changed all that much (it looks worse today), but it feels like this...

Luckily, I have the sweetest most attentive nurse right here to make me mac 'n' cheese, bring me ice cream sundaes, and help me laugh at myself. Thank you, Paulie!