Saturday, June 17, 2006

Le Vent du Nord

This weekend Paul is away in Washington state for the wedding of James and Sarah Bauler. I've been left to my own devices for the past 4 days, and today I went to Leesburg, VA for the Potomac Celtic Festival. Can I just say that Celtic music kicks ass? I was delighted to find four tents with constant loveliness emanating from fiddles, dulcimers, guitars, harps, accordions, mandolins, and even a hurdy-gurdy. Celtic clansfolk in traditional garb. Old Irish story-tellers and poets. Meat on a stick. Men in kilts with long beards, thick socks, and laced-up boots. Young girls dancing with their arms motionless.

I'm a sucker for outdoor concerts, so I knew I'd enjoy it. But perhaps the best part was a band from Quebec called Le Vent du Nord (the northern wind). I'm no expert on Celtic music, so I wasn't surprised that I'd never heard of them, but I was a bit surprised that they were from Quebec. Four extremely talented young men, each playing several intruments, Irish dancing during the show, singing in French, and getting the audience extremely involved. I was glad that they had 2 sets. Of course I stayed for both...and bought their CD :)


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