Thursday, September 29, 2005

Las uvas de Barboursville... Posted by Picasa


Last weekend Paul and I had the privilege of visiting our friends Matt and Janna in Charlottesville. Matt and Janna, being Charlottesvillians for 5 years now, gave us a smashing tour of the University of Virginia (complete with statue of Thomas Jefferson wearing a beer can on his head), the private (ooh!) and public gardens, and the hip and savvy downtown Charlottesville (including the great glass elevator!). To top it off, we ate at the local hangout--Bodo's Bagels. Academical!

They even took us to their church and to the Barboursville Winery (which closed promptly after we arrived, but I still got some great photos!). That's okay--we needed to be sober for the drive back to D.C. anyway...


At 12:46 PM, Blogger lucretius said...

Ahhh...the sweet academical taste of fall. Lovely post, I've always consider UVa to be a little bunch of grapes, ergo, UVula.

Thanks for the visit!


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